About Esenca

Learn about what makes Esenca the company it is today

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The story behind Esenca

We know the struggle that incorrect sizing brings to both companies and individuals all too well. Whether it's e-commerce, shopping in a physical shop, or getting uniforms or work clothing, the challenge of finding the right price for different garments has always been there, all our lives.

This is exactly what made us want to revolutionize the world of body measurement with the newest AI technology we could come up with.

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“We are building a future where body measurement is a quick and effortless process.”
Dragos Tanasa
CEO @ Esenca

Our company in numbers

1M €
funding raised
measurements taken
team members

Our values

See what makes Esenca the company it is

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We strive to create new technologies we can always be proud of

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We are dedicated to providing the best solutions for our clients

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We believe in collaboration and working through hardships together

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We build our products with privacy and information safety in mind

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We believe in honesty and direct communication, no matter who it's with

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We always strive to do more and improve our service, however we can